With Awareness... Comes Choice
With Awareness... Comes Choice

Growth with Horses

Key to Self Discovery
Equine Assisted Therapy & Animal Assisted Therapy is a complementary therapy that involves animals (horses) in a therapeutic sense aiming to achieve therapeutic goals to help individuals improve social, emotional and cognitive functioning.
During each session the client, therapist and animal come together and form a unique bond. The inclusion of animals in therapy provides very insightful information, for example, they may offer the client support, something "to learn on", whilst at the same time providing a safe, non-judgemental environment.
For trauma clients, equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP) works extremely well as clients often find it easier to talk with an animal than another person. This interaction opens up a dialogue between the therapist and the client.
At Equine Resolutions, we encourage our clients to step into the moment and gain their own understanding of how they are currently experiencing life.
”Ownership” is vital to bringing about self-awareness, which is a fundamental step towards making positive changes.
Equine Assisted Learning provides a hands-on approach, which may bring about profound results for the client.
EAP is used for a wide variety of disabling issues ranging from PTSD, alcohol & drug,
relationships, autism. Adolescent's transition into adulthood.

Why Horses ?
As a herd, and similar to the human attachment styles & family system, a horses' survival depends on positive relationships and good communication. Horses are remarkably intuitive, they are able to read human moods and intentions very accurately by "feeling" the human's body language, energy and emotions.
Interacting with a horse allows the client to explore issues such as boundary-setting, personal space, self-worth.
The way horses respond provides crucial insights into the client’s own emotions, attitudes and behaviours, providing vital clues on how to bring about effective change. Most significantly and powerfully, the clients are able to achieve this understanding for themselves, with the subtle guidance of the horse.
This article was written by SANE Australia and refers to one of the attendees on the Mates4Mates Equine Therapy Program.

Ken and Manny, veteran who attended one of the equine programs located at Nag Nanny & Equine Resolutions
The Great South-East
The Great South East filmed a promo to raise awareness for Mates4Mates & the Equine Therapy
course they offer to their Veterans and their families.

The Great Sound East filiming at Nag Nanny & Equine Resolutions, on the effectiveness of Equine Therapy. Commander, one of the horses from Nag Nanny & Equine Reolutions was the star of the show.
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